Monday, April 23, 2007

End of Blogging?

Well, after several weeks of close monitoring ( or more like several months ) I have decided that blogging is not really for me. The traffic on my site is pretty minimal as most of my friends and family & I would much rather catch up via phone every few weeks than read message boards. So for those of you who read my blog regularly ( that would be you Alli ) and those of you who check in once a week or less often ( that would be the rest of you ), you'll have to start e-mailing or calling more often to find out what is happening here in Vancouver. I will likely still post the occasional message or pics for the sake of by-passing the mass e-mails, but that's about it.
Who knows, maybe the itch to blog will strike again at a later date.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mini Golf.

On Friday night Frank, Sara and I all went out for a Pizza dinner and a round of Mini Golf. We chose the Coral Reef course because the Jungle was pretty busy, and it was quite an evening! I made 2 holes in one, Sara made 3 holes in one ( including the very last hole in which if you manage to get a hole in one you are rewarded with a ticket for a free game the next time you come ). On the way home we treated ourselves to milk shakes and a leisurely tour through Fort Langley. It was a nice evening!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I was so excited!

So, after work tonight I headed to the bank to do my banking and then to the grocery store to pick up a few things. In the same complex as the grocery store a new store has opened, a Dollar store, my favorite type of store! Now, BC has 2 dollar stores, Dollar Giant and Everything for a dollar, neither one is a very good chain in my opinion. My favorite is Dollarama, a chain in Ontario and I am always complaining here that the $ stores are no good. Imagine my delight when I saw that it was indeed a dollarama?!?!? I went in and felt just like a kid in a candy store!!! I love Dollarama...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Sneek a peek!

Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure! Some flowers I recieved for my birthday, my Happy to be Alive day and Easter, as well as a few shots of the quilt that I made in the fall/winter ( note the matching pillow cases!).

Friday, April 6, 2007

What a day!

It is an absolutley beautiful day today! The sun is shining, it's a wonderful 22 degrees out and the birds are singing! Isn't that a great way to start the first long week-end of 2007?
I have the house to myself today so I opened all the windows and pulled out all of my cleaning supplies, the living room looks amazing now I might add. Everything was polished with furniture polish, the window sills were scrubbed, the windows were washed and the carpets vacuumed to perfection. I even managed to disconnect Hikes PS2, rearrange the cords and reconnect the thing ( with out any help! ) so that it now sits on top of the VCR/DVD combo unit and frees up some space in the entertainment unit.
So it looks great and now I can't wait to pop in a movie later tonight, light a candle and flake out *LOL*.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday Seven: Reasons I'm proud of my Mom.

As most of you know I have an amazing Mom, she has been through a lot in her life and yet she still smiles every day! So here are seven reasons I am very proud of my mom:
1) She was strong enough to leave my Dad when she did.
2) She raised three kids all by herself and we all turned out just fine, no criminal records, no drug addicts and no alcoholics!
3) She had a slipped disc in her back that damaged her spinal cord and caused her as lot of problems, some of which she still struggles with today but she never lets that stop her from going to work and from having fun.
4) She never lets me get down about my health problems and is always optimistic that a cure will be found.
5) She always knew I would graduate college, even when I was going for radiation treatments and felt too sick to keep going to school. She knew I'd persevere till I got that diploma and I did!
6) She never killed any of us as kids but I'm sure there were days that she wanted to!
7) She is the strongest person I have ever met, and I have met an awful lot of people!
Love you Mom!
P.S Did I mention she is published? Yep, she has been published and I hope to some day follow in her foot steps!