End of Blogging?
Well, after several weeks of close monitoring ( or more like several months ) I have decided that blogging is not really for me. The traffic on my site is pretty minimal as most of my friends and family & I would much rather catch up via phone every few weeks than read message boards. So for those of you who read my blog regularly ( that would be you Alli ) and those of you who check in once a week or less often ( that would be the rest of you ), you'll have to start e-mailing or calling more often to find out what is happening here in Vancouver. I will likely still post the occasional message or pics for the sake of by-passing the mass e-mails, but that's about it.
Who knows, maybe the itch to blog will strike again at a later date.
I hear ya I'm thing the same thing.
I love my blogging! I do chat on the phone quite a bit to family and friends but this is a way to show off pictures to family that we don't see often. It's eaiser for them to check out for new pics then for me to email everybody a ton of pics for them to download which can sometimes take forevah! I'm lovin Facebook but it definitely doesn't take the place of the blog.
Just like sushi and g-string panties, blogs aren't for everyone!
That is very true, I just felt that with so little on line traffic it wasn't really worth my time to keep it up. I'll likley still post pics for people to see, but it won't be frequent. I do however still enjoy brousing other blogs from time to time.
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