Friday, April 6, 2007

What a day!

It is an absolutley beautiful day today! The sun is shining, it's a wonderful 22 degrees out and the birds are singing! Isn't that a great way to start the first long week-end of 2007?
I have the house to myself today so I opened all the windows and pulled out all of my cleaning supplies, the living room looks amazing now I might add. Everything was polished with furniture polish, the window sills were scrubbed, the windows were washed and the carpets vacuumed to perfection. I even managed to disconnect Hikes PS2, rearrange the cords and reconnect the thing ( with out any help! ) so that it now sits on top of the VCR/DVD combo unit and frees up some space in the entertainment unit.
So it looks great and now I can't wait to pop in a movie later tonight, light a candle and flake out *LOL*.


At April 7, 2007 at 12:05:00 PM PDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well where is the pic of this perfect space? Hope you enjoyed your movie was it a chick flick?

At April 7, 2007 at 7:31:00 PM PDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fell asleep on teh couch before I even got to the movie! You know me...are the kiddies excited about the Easter Bunny?!?!?

At April 9, 2007 at 10:20:00 AM PDT , Blogger Alberta said...

Grrr! We are still plagued with white stuff, cool temps and the odd frosty morning. Enjoy it for me, okay?


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