Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Laundry night.

Do you ever wonder what happens to that one sock that you always seem to loose en rout from the dryer to the sorting table? Well, tonight as I was pulling the cloths from the washer and loading them into the dryer, I matched all the socks just to make sure they were all there, and when I took them out of the dryer and started to fold the cloths, I still ended up with 2 missing socks! I had one white and one black sock with no matches! Exasperated, I searched the washer AND the dryer for the missing socks and came up empty handed. Now frustrated, I started to put the laundry away and started to drop the single socks into the old La Senza bag I toss all the other single socks into, and then I thought maybe I should just toss them out ( I don't know why I keep them, maybe for nights like tonight ), and picked up the bag. Well, I glanced inside and low and behold, I spotted a match! So, I dumped out the bag onto my bed and started sorting the socks and managed to pair up all but two socks ( and those two socks just happened to belong to Zach, he must have gone home with a miss matched set when he was here last spring, oops, sorry Alli! ). Now I have 8 more pairs of socks! How I managed to start out with the right number of matched socks to miss matches are beyond me, but hey, I found them *L*.


At February 2, 2007 at 5:07:00 PM PST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No prob I didn't even miss them trash them if you want I Know I more then likey did lol


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