A Quiet Week.
There has been nothing much happening here this week, its been pretty quiet, though it has gone by pretty fast! Every morning this week I have hit "snooz" on my alarm because I didn't feel well when I got up, and every morning I thought I may head home from work early for the same reason, but each day I felt much better by mid morning. It seems there is a bug going around and I am fighting it pretty hard! I really don't want to get sick right now, especially since I am concentrating on other health issues right now.
WARNING!! Stop reading here if you are squeemish!!!
It appears that my pacemaker has shifted. Again. The last time this happened I had to have surgery to adjust it ( that took place on 9/11, I remember being in pre-op with my friend waiting for my surgery. I was prepped and the news was on, all Hell broke loose because Kingston is so close to New York that our hospotals were being closed for emergancy over flow ). Metal stitches were used to close the muscle pocket in order to keep the device in place, so how it managed to shift again is beyond me. So now I have a bump the size of a tennis ball ( imagine the ball cut in half, it sticks out that far ) on my chest with a sharp edge poking up under my skin. It is irritating right now, and I am hoping that it manages to fix its self very soon! I hate visiting the Dr.
So, I hope you are all having a more exciting week than I am, but you know, quiet weeks are nice now and then, especially ones that tend to go by fast!
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