Saturday, December 2, 2006

Photos to share.

This is the view I had as soon as I left the front door of my building to go to work after the snow storm had ended, nice huh?

This photo was taken on my way to work after the big snow storm. I walk to work every morning ( only about a 15 - 20 min walk ) and it was such a pretty day I had to bring the camera along that morning!

This is Hike in the costume I made him for his Halloween party last month. He told me he needed me to make him a costume the day of his party and I had already made plans for the day so we rushed to the fabric store and purchased some things he wanted and when I got home we had about 45 min to throw something together, and this is what we came up with! Not too bad for such a rush job!

Now, if anyone can tell me how to get the photos and corresponding text to appear in the order I tried to put them on here I would love to know! I actually had to do this all backwards. I first put on the pic of Hike, then the middle shot, and last was the pic that shows up first. I can't seem to change this around!


At December 3, 2006 at 11:49:00 AM PST , Blogger Lesley said...

I'm not sure about the pics, I'm having the same issue and haven't had a chance to do the trial and error method yet. At least I can post the pics!
Good costume, it's amazing what kind of results you can get while under pressure! I think I'm going to borrow my cousins' geisha costume for next Hallween.

At December 4, 2006 at 1:53:00 PM PST , Blogger Alli said...

I have to do the same thing do it backwards. Like the costume. The pics are good I like the snow


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