Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lets get started...

I have been browsing the family blogs for a while now ( Life at the Becks, Lil Salmon house & Posh news from the Valley) and never figured I'd ever have much to fill one up but enjoyed the reading. I started my sister Alli on a blog as well but being the busy mom of a 6 year old, a 3 year old and a 4 month old she doesn't always have time to update. My boyfriend/bestfriend suggested I start one anyway and just see where it here goes!
Not a lot is happening this week end, Burnaby has been under a "Boil Water" advisory since Thursday and these days bottled water is really liquid gold! Luckey for Hike and I we had a case of water stashed away for just such an emergency and also managed ( with Franks help ) to grab a few extra cases of H2O before every store in the lowed mainland totally sold out. The water comming from out taps and filling the toilet bowls looks and smells like pond water so I would not be surprised to see a fish swimming around in there soon. It is so bad that if you fill a glass with tap water and let it sit for an hour, you can see all the dirt collecting at the bottom of the glass, YUCK!
I hope everyone is going well, I am not sure how often I will update this thing, but it would have been nice if I started it back in October when I was busier. I could have told about my quilting classes, the adventure Hike, Frank, Sara and I went on to a corn maze in the dark armed only with flashlights when we were "attacked" by a Gorilla who seemed to be stocking me, Hikes Halloween party etc. Who knows, maybe things will be more exciting next week!


At November 20, 2006 at 11:34:00 AM PST , Blogger Alli said...

Smell nasty. if you were here you woulbn't be under a boil your water now would you ? huh huh? Kidding

At November 22, 2006 at 7:22:00 AM PST , Blogger Alberta said...

Krista, Welcome to the World of Blogging!

I'm going to add you to my blogroll, so folks can zip over to your site with a simple click.

Now to pressure your brother to join in the fun! Oh and your Mom!


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